Monday, December 30, 2019

Nursing Is A Code Of Conduct Or Ethics Essay - 975 Words

In any occupation there lies a code of conduct or ethics by which we represent ourselves to our peers, supervisors, and the public. It is within that set of behavior that will determine how people are viewed, treated and impacted. Nursing requires characteristics of professionalism that are detrimental to the outcome of patient care and safety. In the early 1800s, nursing was considered as a position held by people that were dishonest, unfavorable and illiterate. This all changed after Florence Nightingale entered the nursing field. According to Lee, Clark and Thompson (2013), Nightingale’s core purpose was cleanliness. She introduced sanitary and hygienic practices as basic nursing skills, which consisted of fresh air, light and clean linens and surroundings. These brought about the idea that nursing would not bring additional injury or compromise the safety of the patient. She required nurses that worked with and under her to adhere to a strict code of professionalism. If they could not follow that code, they were sent home. As her career advanced, her ideas and expectations became public. This led to the British government honoring her for sustaining life through her practices and teaching. Using the discipline she had promoted, Nightingale then moved towards opening her own school for nurses. For over the last 10 0 years, Florence Nightingale has inspired nursing at its very foundation. Her ethics and principals have set standards in the nursing profession more than anyShow MoreRelatedNursing : A Code Of Conduct Or Ethics954 Words   |  4 Pageslies a code of conduct or ethics by which we represent ourselves to our peers, supervisors, and the public. It is within that set of behavior that will determine how people are viewed, treated and impacted. Nursing requires characteristics of professionalism that are detrimental to the outcome of patient care. In the early 1800s nursing was looked at as a position held by people that were dishonest, unfavorable and illiterate. This all changed after Florence Nightingale entered the nursing fieldRead MoreProfessional Identity Is The Persona Assumed By One Who1347 Words   |  6 Pagesthat an individual feel. Specific to nursing, professional identity is to provide quality care for patients and to ensure a safe environment for others. For the nursing profession, there are a set of guidelines, codes of conduct and codes of ethics nurses need to follow to ensure the best care is given and provided for others. There are three main agencies who nurses need to follow; these are the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)Read MoreEthics And Code Of Professional Conduct1598 Words   |  7 Pagesand Tort laws that are directly associated with the nursing profession and also the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA ) Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. Failure to provide care within these parameters could lead to serious consequences for the patient and nurse themselves. Enrolled Nurses must work within certain legal and ethical parameters to ensure appropriate care is provided to patients and also so the nursing profession itself is upheld in a respectful and trustingRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Conduct1564 Words   |  7 PagesEthics is defined in multiple ways. These are considered as rules or regulations which sense the right or wrong doing related to any individual. 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For thisRead MoreApplying the D.E.C.I.D.E Model of Decision Making1339 Words   |  6 Pagesfiancà © and also registered nurse (RN) Jane and the Director of Nursing (DON) Ms Day. Specific areas for discussion include the five moral frameworks, autonomy, beneficence, Non – maleficence, justice and veracity in relation with each person involved as supported by Arnold and Boggs (2013) and McPherson (2011). An identification and review of the breached code of ethics and the breached code of conduct in reference with the Nursing, Council, and Federatio n (2008) will be addressed. Lastly a briefRead MoreThe Pseudo Profession Of Nursing Essay1315 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pseudo-Profession of Nursing One of the mottos that motivated me throughout my quest to pick a major last year was the following from Cy Coleman: â€Å"I m lucky to be in a profession where you can keep getting better† (Propst, 2015, p. 37). This passage struck me as exactly what I was looking to accomplish with my future, but as it turns out, is nursing really a profession? There are an infinite number of ways to define what a profession is based on personal beliefs, but scholarly articles, suchRead MoreAn Ethical Issue in the Nursing Profession: Case Analysis1806 Words   |  7 Pagesnurses you are working with is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Discuss this professional and ethical issue and what you will do. In the nursing profession, likewise in any other medical profession, clinical experience has always and will always be integrated into the core teachings of nursing practices. This really prepares the nursing students to distinguish between the major differences in theoretical teaching, devoid of critical think and practical situations that require the studentRead MoreCode of Ethics - Nursing1475 Words   |  6 Pagesmoral norms which nurses are expected to adhere to and embrace. In a nursing profession, daily decisions have real impact on other people’s lives. The responsibility of such decisions creates the need for nurses to have knowledge and skills that enable them to not only provide physical and psychological care, but also to critique and reflect on the standard of health care practices. For the nurses to do this, they must understand ethics and ways in which to utilize this knowledge in a constructive andRead MoreLegal and Ethical Parameters of Professional Nursing P ractice Essay One879 Words   |  4 PagesLegal and ethical parameters of professional nursing practice essay one Professional nurses encounter a variety of legal ethical and bioethical issues on a daily basis. For this reason, it is essential that all nurses are aware of current state and national legislation, acts and guidelines and the implications of these for nursing practices as well as legal processes, principles of open disclosure and the role of a coroner in the health sector. In this way, nurses can adhere to the overarching guidelines

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How Media Influences Our Health - 1144 Words

Television and Your Health Media can be helpful as a tool to promote healthy living and lifestyles. News broadcasts can influence society’s views on how to be healthy. These broadcasts do this by illustrating how to make healthy choices. News broadcasts have the ability to shift society’s focus from obesity and weight loss to healthier eating and being more active. They draw attention to the need for policies on things such as fast food marketing to youth and the quality of foods in schools. News programs promote healthy eating by shaping people’s perceptions of nutrition and physical activity issues. Any news channel has the ability to encourage your views on health. Reporting only one side of a story can lead to society†¦show more content†¦How about a healthier and safer way to go about feeding your children? In covering the same issue â€Å"CNN† reported on a study: â€Å"Released by Yale University s Rudd Center for Food Policy and O besity, which examined 12 popular restaurant chains and found only 12 out of more than 3,000 kids meal combinations met the nutritional guidelines for preschool-aged kids. The study said the fast food industry spent $4.2 billion on advertising in 2009 and found that 40 percent of preschool-aged children ask to go to McDonald s on a weekly basis, and 15 percent ask on a daily basis. Also, 84 percent of parents say they ve taken their children to eat fast food at least once in the past week† (Martinez) Even though it took a satire approach to the story of banning toys in happy meals that don’t meet nutritional guidelines for children this news program made people aware of just how unhealthy fast food is for children. It also gave rise to the question if the food from a fast food chain is not good enough for children how is it good enough for an adult? Provided the facts, not recognizing that Television influences health and wellness in a positive manner is simply illog ical. Television is a source of knowledge when it comes to making healthy choices in life. What is even better is that everyone can have access to a television whether it is at a gym, at home, in a restaurant, even in jail. Television shows help us to make the rightShow MoreRelatedMass Media and Popular Culture1367 Words   |  6 PagesHow has mass media a created a relationship among popular culture, mass media and different forms of dissemination? Mass media is any form of communication used to reach a large group of people. There are different types of media; examples of media are magazines, movies, television, books, recording devices, radio and the internet. As time goes on, new and improved technology is developed in the mass media industry for communicating and entertainment purposes. As mass media continues to grow andRead MoreMass Media Influence818 Words   |  4 PagesMass Media Influence In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do. A common personRead MoreHealthy Choices for Better Living Essay1588 Words   |  7 PagesDoes the media truly influence and play and key role in childhood obesity? Can we hold the media responsible for our food purchases and meals that we as a society choose to provide our children? Certainly there are a multitude of influences in the media and yes, they are geared toward our children. Commercials ran during children’s programming appeal to our youth with catchy jingles, bright colors and actors promoting these products that portray popular characters on our children’s favorite showsRead MoreThe Center For Disease Control And Prevention1586 Words   |  7 Pagescare providers, and the media as sources of influence on dietary and physical activity behaviors. In today s society, we are seeing a trend of major influence coming from many different types of media. An example of this is social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Where people will post photos, usual ly with a filter to show their target audience that they are happy with their life, and not showing their real heartache. Another example of influence coming from media is from the HollywoodRead MoreEffects Of Social Media Essay879 Words   |  4 Pagesthe moment we wake, our first instinct is to check our digital devices so we may catch up on what we missed. Technology/ social media have become the world’s greatest influence, will prove to be our undoing. Social media causes isolation, leading to the lack of interpersonal communication; and in the long run it will affect their health. Instead of dealing with the problem at hand, they resort to social media for the feeling of belonging and less isolation. According to Health News NPR ‘While face-to-faceRead MoreThe Importance Of Social Media878 Words   |  4 Pageswake, are first instinct is to check our digital devices so we may catch up on what we missed. Technology/ social media has become the world’s most greatest influence and may be our undoing. Social media causes isolation leading to the lack of interpersonal communication; and in the long run it will affect their health. Instead of dealing with the problem at hand they resort to social media for the feeling of belonging and less isolation. According to Health News NPR ‘While face-to-face social connectednessRead MoreThe Influence of Media on Teenagers Diet788 Words   |  4 PagesThe Influence of Media on Obese Teenager’s Diet Introduction Media influence Food product choice is overwhelming as well as TV commercials and print advertisements that want to sell their food products to us. Who to believe? How to choose? Do you trust what is shown to you? Obviously, it’s up to each of us to decide what we eat but if we’re constantly bombarded with images of food every time we pick up a magazine then we’re going to be swayed in what we choose. The advertising of snack andRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 PagesSocial media allows people to share pictures and ideas with others across the world. Women and girls can use social media to earn approval for their appearance and compare themselves to others. Women during this time period that are so heavily impacted by the media can link their self-worth to their looks. I used scholarly articles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’sRead MoreMass Media Influence on Society1476 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Media’s Influence on Society Over the last 500 years, the influence of mass media has grown exponentially with the advance of technology.  First there were books, then newspapers, magazines, photography, sound recordings, films, radio, television, the so-called New Media of the Internet, and now social media.   Today, just about everyone depends on information and communication to keep their lives moving through daily activities like workRead MoreFactors That Influence the Development of Individuals Self Concept1687 Words   |  7 PagesUnit 8 (m2) Outline how factors can influence the development of individuals self concept. I am going to outline how factors can influence the development of individuals self-concept, firstly, I will to define what is self-concept. Self-concept self concept is about the way we view ourselves. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Comparison Between Tod Homer and Miss Lonely Hearts Free Essays

Tod, Homer, and Miss Lonelyhearts Another Well Thought Out Essay Tod Hackett, Homer Simpson, and Miss Lonelyhearts from Nathanael West’s novels â€Å"The Day of the Locust† and â€Å"Miss Lonelyhearts† all try to satisfy their desires with sexual wants, and violence. However, they are all very different from each other. For example, their histories, and the way they pursue the fulfillment of their desires are all unique to that specific character. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison Between Tod Homer and Miss Lonely Hearts or any similar topic only for you Order Now The novel, â€Å"The Day of the Locust†, mostly focuses on the story of two main characters. These characters are Tod Hackett, and Homer Simpson. The novel gives the story of their lives while they both pursue the young woman, Faye Greener. In this way they are similar, but they are actually very different. Unlike Homer, Tod understands a lot of his experiences, especially his experiences with Faye. Because of this, Tod is portrayed as an educated man, Homer, on the other hand, has almost no idea what is going on. His actions and desires are almost always unexplainable. It seems as though he doesn’t even know what he himself is even thinking, let alone what he actually wants. Because of this, he appears uneducated, and clumsy. Both men pursue things that are artificial. The most notable of these is Faye Greener. Unlike Homer though, Tod knows that he can’t have her, because he knows that pursuing her is a self-destructive route. Miss Lonelyhearts is the main character of the novel, â€Å"Miss Lonelyhearts†. His history is probably the reason for his need for sex and violence. ‘His history’ meaning his childhood, and also the letters that the people send to him for advice. Miss Lonelyhearts has a few encounters with a woman named Fay Doyle. They do have intercourse on one occasion, and she tries to make him have it a second time. However, instead of intercourse, Miss Lonelyhearts decides to beat her violently. His anger and his need for sex are brought about by the letters that he has to read for his job, and his childhood experiences, like his encounter with the frog. Tod Hackett presents fewer personal experiences that can be used to analyze in a psychological way, but the way he thinks can be. He knows that he can’t have Faye, and he does want to rid Faye of the artificial quality that she possesses, but he can’t help but have a somewhat repulsive sexual attraction to her. Even to the point where he decides that raping her would be a suitable idea. And even attempts it at one point. In this way, Tod and Miss Lonelyhearts are similar, but not completely homogenous. Homer is a bit different from Tod, and Miss Lonelyhearts in this area. Homer is more understandable on a psychological level. At first, Homer seems as though he is uneducated, and also very clumsy. However, his disappointments, and his insecurities soon lead to aggression. His aggressions are expressions of anger that come from his past and his future. He does have a sexual attraction to Faye, but his actions and feelings towards her are not quite as extreme as Tod’s and Miss Lonelyhearts’ feelings and actions toward women. Faye, however, does not take Homer seriously. He then feels like he has been cheated by Faye. He does a good job for most of the book at suppressing his anger until his final outburst that starts the riot at the end of the book. With Miss Lonelyhearts, Nathanael West presents a brutal and selfish character, which lusts for sex and violence, and gets both. With Tod Hackett, Nathanael West presents a successful and educated character that, despite his intellect, desperately wants a sexual relationship with a young woman, even to the point where he thinks about raping her, but never actually does it. And with Homer Simpson, Nathanael West presents an uneducated and clumsy character, which also lusts after a young woman, just not as explicitly as Tod, and turns out to be very aggressive. All of these characters are very similar in most of their desires, to be specific, their need for a sexual relationship, and their needs for aggression whether it is related to their sexual desires or not. Despite their many similarities, each character has a unique way of showing their desires. It may have been a straight-forward approach like Miss Lonelyhearts, or a somewhat cautious yet extreme approach like Tod, or a deceptively timid and passive-aggressive approach like Homer, which ends up in a catastrophically aggressive outburst. How to cite Comparison Between Tod Homer and Miss Lonely Hearts, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Pest Deg Gaming Industry free essay sample

PEST DEG Analysis for Gaming Industry Gaming industry includes those corporations that develops and distributes gaming and entertainment products through software programs and gaming hardware such as consoles, arcades, game gadgets and other technologies. Political-Legal †¢Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a term that covers patents, trademarks, and copyright. This law helps understand that all great products and innovation have an origin such as various video game consoles produced by different corporations. IPR are essential to reward and give credit to innovative thinking and protecting innovators’ ideas. This ensures that the creator(s) get what they deserve and gets a reason for their creativity. (Opportunity) Reference: http://www. publishyourarticles. org/career/career-opportunity/intellectual-property-rights-management. html †¢Special Interest Groups Special Interest groups play a significant role in politics and are both influential in encouraging and preventing public policy. There are many special interest groups in the industry and its growing number has put more opportunities and restraints on marketers. Below are some several major advocacy groups in the industry. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is the U. S. association exclusively dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies that publish computer and video games for video game consoles, personal computers, and the Internet. This group helps protect the industry from risk in business and public relations The ESA offers a range of services to interactive entertainment software publishers including a global anti-piracy program, business and consumer research, government relations and intellectual property protection efforts. Opportunity) Reference: http://www. theesa. com. One of the major advocacy groups that put restraints in the gaming industry is the Entertainment Consumer Association, is an advocacy group in the United States that opposes legislative efforts to â€Å"unconstitutionally† restrict access to interactive entertainment and looks to protect consumers from outside forces, w hich try to mould their behavior. This makes game development companies establish consumer affairs department to help formulate policies that resolve and respond to gaming consumers’ complaints. Threat) Reference: http://sites. duke. edu/soc142-videogames/political-deterinants/special-interest-groups-as-important-political-actors/ Economic †¢Economic Resources Land, labor, Capital, and Entrepreneurs are classified as the four categories of economic resources. The resource labor consists of the physical and mental talents of individuals in producing goods and services. The services of Graphic artist, IT professionals, Programmers, Computer Engineers and technicians and other labor resources that can be vital to the Gaming industry. As regards to the supply of labor, it depends upon the size of total population age composition of the population the availability working population the working hours devoted to production the remuneration paid to the workers, etc. Land may refer to the natural resources that can be used in production of process, such as minerals, raw materials such as copper, metals, and others. These resources can be used for producing computer hardware. Capital resources include all manufacturing aids used in producing goods and services. Included are all factory, storage, transportation and distribution facilities, tools and machinery. Lastly the entrepreneur is a resource distinct from labor. The entrepreneur performs several functions; as an organizer who takes the initiative in combing the resources of land, labor, and capital to produce goods or services, who makes strategic business decisions that sets the course of an enterprise, An innovator who produces new product, new ideas, new production and who is a risk-taker can make more innovations in the gaming industry. All of these resources are combined to produce goods and services, they are called the factors of production or simply means inputs. These can be a factor of good production for the gaming industry if a certain economy manages the scarcity of its resources. (Opportunity) Reference: http://www. economicsconcepts. com/the_economic_resources. htm †¢Inflation Rates and Risks Inflation is a general increase in the level of prices or a fall in the value of the money. This means year after year money is spent gradually less and less. This tends to decrease the purchasing capacity of a currency. Inflation causes uncertainty which increases the risk. Higher risk causes businesses such as video-game companies would not likely do investments on such economies. (Threat) Reference: http://www. economywatch. com/inflation/risk. html http://tutor2u. net/business/external/economy_inflation. htm Socio-Cultural †¢Violence caused by video games Studies on violence in video games have identified five major negative effects on children. Playing violent games leads to increased physiological rousal, increased aggressive thoughts, increased aggressive feelings, increased aggressive behaviors, and decreased pro-social helping. While the mediums of study have varied between the various tests, these studies have all shown that playing violent games causes increases in aggression. In a yearlong study of elementary school students, those students who played more violent video games early in the school year were observed to have become more physically aggressive later in the school year. This also changes the views of minors on themselves and society. Some video games were not well regulated by its developers and rated its game that is suitable for adults. Actual limitations to a child playing violent games are quite minimal. (Threat) Reference: http://sites. duke. edu/soc142-videogames/social-factors/case-study-2-can-a-video-game-lead-to-murder-a-study-of-grand-theft-auto/ †¢Youth Sub-Cultures One of the well-known groups in the society today are the youth sub-cultures because they are the society’s trendsetters in fashion, music, entertainment, ideas, and attitudes. Generation Y were considered to be the dominant youth sub-culture today. The variety of youth sub-cultures includes Goths, Hipsters, Emos, Gangsters, Punks, Metalheads, Gamers and others. The Gamers segments are the best target for the Gaming industry because they bring the concept of gaming through their styles, values, and interest not just playing video games but also in promotion of the brands through music, clothing, languages and styles they used that can influence other members of the society. (Opportunity) Reference: http://www. annoyingdesign. org/blog/2008/04/04/defining-%E2%80%9Cyoung-consumers%E2%80%9D-cliched-subcultures/ http://www. optenz. net/top-10-youth-subcultures. php Technological †¢Research Development For the R Ds of Gaming industry it really takes time, effort, and money for a new innovation and a major breakthrough to come. There are now several types of technologies which enhance gaming and the development of gaming consoles such as Cloud Gaming, Motion Control System, Augmented reality and other innovations. As what the m ission of the developers of PlayStation the SCEA stated, â€Å"Through innovation, design and engineering, SCE US RD enables a rich user experience for PlayStation consumers. Play, listen, watch, learn, discover, communicate, create, and share â€Å". Today Sony is under way on its research and development for the PlayStation 4. With the entire rate that gaming industry develops, there will be more technologies that will be developed in the Gaming industry in the near future. (Opportunity) Reference: http://www. psuni. com/sony-is-under-way-on-research-and-development-for-the-playstation-4-8955/ http://www. research. scea. com/SCEA_RD. html http://www. cognitiontech. com/? p=367 †¢Creative Destruction Every new technology is a force of creative destruction, the idea is that when businesses reach a steady state of maturity and future growth is unlikely, entrepreneurship often unleashes an innovation that destroys the old industry and restarts the growth process. Creative destruction occurs in all business sectors and industries, but at a high frequency in the technology business. Aside from the tech industry, innovation is the eventual cause of creative destruction in most large, slow growth industries. Internet has been also observed as an agent of disruption in a many industries and will likely disrupt more in the coming years. Music was the first to go, but now news, politics, commerce, advertising, marketing, film television, human resource management, operations and finance have all been disrupted by Internet-based innovations. (Threat) Reference: http://earnedmedia. wordpress. com/2011/06/26/creative-destruction/ Demographic †¢Population Age Mix National Population varies in their age mix. A country with a very young population and rapid population growth is a good factor for gaming industry such gaming consoles, computers and other gaming gadgets are consider to be one of the demands of these population. From school-age children to teens and even young adults are mostly targets of the industry. Countries with a very young population are likely for gaming industry to easily market products and services. (Opportunity) Reference: http://michiganstate. academia. edu/vitak/Papers/390879/Teens_Video_Games_and_Civics †¢Population Explosion This has been a major concern and many countries with highest population and communities that can’t afford due to the long-term capacity of an area is been degraded by its current human occupants. If rapid population growth is not regulated and resources needed for the human population on an area is not enough, results to inflation which is the increase of prices of goods and services that can affect the purchasing power of markets, unemployment that can decrease the labor productivity and even high crime rate. Marketers of gaming industry can find opportunities out of this problem if markets are carefully analyze. (Threat) Reference: http://www. articlesbase. com/economics-articles/population-explosion-unemployment-4072491. tml Environment †¢Regulations of Electronic Wastes The continuous development of technologies such as electronic equipments including video game consoles and other hardware has given a rise to a new environmental challenge: E-waste. Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products that no longer satisfy the needs of the initial purchaser. There are wide varieties of these wastes and one of these wastes contains electronic game gadgets such as consoles, disc, and others as a result of discarded product due to obsolescence. These pieces of equipment contain hazardous materials such as lead, beryllium, mercury, cadmium, and chromium that pose both an occupational and environmental health threat. Although electronic equipment is considered safe during use, the potential for release of the toxic constituents increases during storage or disposal. The ranking criteria of the Guide to Greener Electronics takes into account two main components: if they clean up their products by eliminating hazardous substances, and if take back and recycle their products responsibly once they become obsolete. Just what the observations of Nintendo’s effort on reducing e-waste was scored zero and as one can see that Nintendo produces product with the highest quantity of harmful substances and has no to little programming focused on recycling on its obsolete products. This started to attract the attention of many environmental advocates, organization, and Greenpeace has called for a boycott of Nintendo products. (Threat) Reference: http://www. environmental-expert. com/Files%5C6063%5Carticles%5C9020%5C1. df http://sites. duke. edu/soc142-videogames/social-factors/case-study-4-nintendo-an-icon-of-e-waste/ †¢Corporate Environmentalism Integrating environmentalism to a firm’s strategic plan is also a way of recognize the importance of environmental issues faced by the industry. This is an opportunity for companies to develop their image in the market through go beyond the basics of complying with the law, cutting wastes, and operating efficiently. There are some aspects to a chieve eco-advantage such esign innovative products to help customers with their environmental problems or even creating new eco-defined market spaces, Partnering with NGOs, Environmentalist and other stakeholders can help firms learn and find solutions to environmental problem and an eco-advantage culture can be a part of the mission through building ambitious goal setting, incentives, training, and tools to engage employees in this vision, and even using the function of environment management departments on firms have help firms to achieve environmental strategy. (Opportunity) Reference: ttp://greenbizedge. com/eco-advantage/what-does-a-company-seeking-eco-advantage-look-like/ Global †¢Emerging International Markets Game developers have begun capturing emerging international markets in developing nations; size of the population, have rising incomes, and modest savings. When Qualcom and Tectoy launch its low cost Zeebo game console, they underscored the critical importance of emerging international markets for the gaming industry. Brazil, India, and so as Russia are the emerging markets that open opportunities for the gaming industry. By ignoring traditional markets, Zeebo made a strong statement about the future of the gaming industry: The profitability in targeting games to these emerging international markets. The success of Zeebo has shown the gaming industry that traditional markets, such as the United States, Japan and France, are no longer the only markets with which to be concerned. Publishers are increasingly turning their attention to emerging international markets, as more people worldwide are gaining access to the technology and software to support gaming systems. This means that language solutions and thoughtful localization are becoming essential to increase brand recognition internationally and create a presence in these new international markets. (Opportunity) Reference: http://www. alsintl. com/blog/emerging-international-game-markets/ http://sites. duke. edu/soc142-videogames/international-trade-patterns/main-play ers/emerging-players/ http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/09_27/b4138054201249. htm †¢Challenges in Global Supply Chain Management With increased globalization and offshore sourcing, global supply chain management is becoming an important issue for the industry. Like traditional, supply chain management, the underlying factors behind the trend are reducing the costs of procurement and decreasing the risks related to purchasing activities. The big difference is that global supply chain management involves a companys worldwide interests and suppliers rather than simply a local or national orientation. Most companies in the gaming industry are operating in global markets they consider factors that can be a threat to their supply chain management. 1. Time, is a very big issue that should be addressed dealing supply chain management. Customers always demand for just-in-time delivery pushes suppliers to juggle multiples of transportation. There are many factors that affect can company’s lead time either it gives a positive or negative effect. 2. Overall cost which includes the cost for the labor, space, tariffs and other expenses related to business overseas. . Transportation, a product can either be shipped through cargo ships or in planes. Problems in transportation was also identified for example, the extended time for a ship to deliver the products can affect negatively on a company’s lead time, or even natural disasters can delay the shipment of products. 4. Labor disputes can be a threat that can affect the labor productivity. 5. Outsourcing which include selection of suppliers outside can be an issue for marketers in the distribution. Comparing vendor bids from within the companys parent-country can be difficult enough but comparing bids from an array of global suppliers can be even more complex. 6. The always unpredictable impact of natural disasters. 7. Security threats such as terrorist attack and pirate some cargos. 8. The number of plants that are needed, as well as the locations for those plants can pose difficult logistical problems for companies. The more a company lacks the flexibility of its supply chain, in terms of sourcing and logistics, the more vulnerable a company will be. (Threats) Reference: